Join us as we support Victory Sports in their mission to:
Produce high-quality sports content, Shine a light on inspiring female athletes and icons,
and to promote women's empowerment, equity, and equality.

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Why Sport?
“Women’s sport mobilizes the global community and speaks to youth. It unites across national barriers and cultural differences. It teaches women and girls the values of teamwork, self-reliance, and resilience; has a multiplier effect on their health, education and leadership development; contributes to self-esteem; builds social connections; and challenges harmful gender norms.”
– UN Women
Sport is explicitly referenced in the UN’s Beijing Platform for Action. The sports ecosystem and its various stakeholders have a strong role to play, especially with recent momentum escalating across the sport sector in favor of gender equality. In recent years, sport has demonstrated its enormous capacity to propel women and girls’ empowerment.
Victory Sports is rooted in the belief that: Through their ability to shed light on important issues, challenge preconceptions, and inspire action, documentaries on women’s sports and their heroes have the power to make a real difference in the world. One of the most significant ways in which Victory can impact the world is by creating a sense of urgency, through its globally accessible content, for the audience to take action to effectuate real change.
How does Victory Sports advance
the Global Goals?
In 2015, the UN General Assembly put forth their 17 Sustainable Development Goals designed to serve as a "shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet now and into the future." The most visionary agenda for the empowerment of women and girls—the Beijing Platform for Action (1995)— is a guideline to removing the systematic barriers that hold women and girls back and, until now, remains as the most ambitious agenda for achieving gender equality. Until recently, UN initiatives in support of Gender Equality have been working in relative isolation, leading to missed opportunities of learning and scaling the best practices.
At the same time, in various contexts, the world of sport remains plagued by many of the same gender inequalities that we see more broadly in society – issues such as unequal pay, gender-based violence, a lack of targeted investment and the reproduction of negative stereotypes and social norms.
The Generation Equality campaign, led by UN Women, strives to bring in new partners and generations to embrace and revitalize the historic Beijing Platform for Action and to make gender equality a lived reality. Victory Sports, through its globally accessible issued based premium content, is the embodiment and amplification of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal #5, the UN’s Beijing Platform for Agenda, and UN Women’s Generation Equality programs, all of which strive to ‘achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.’